

Local news at your local site with Big Trust

Why become one of our first seed investors?

Show us the options. We are good listeners. This is a turbulent market and one of the most watched. It will be a fun ride.

There is a key early issue: the role of the nonprofit.

(A social business professor, a specialist in locally-run international businesses, looked over my models, and said “hybrids” – dual entities at birth, with both a nonprofit and a for-profit, have worked for other startups.)

Two things come up here.

Is it practical to start with an early nonprofit (a parent corp.), followed by the addition of a for-profit (baby corp) some months later? Or wiser to start both the same day?
  1. OFFER SOME DONORS THE RIGHT TO INVEST, WHEN THAT IS POSSIBLE Many investors are not interested in making donations to a nonprofit. They are looking for profits.
    Are there standard legal contracts which give them the right to be included in our investor rounds.
  2. CAN WE OFFER NON-INVESTORS, WHO DO NOT SEEK TO INVEST LATER, SHARES AS A THANK YOU. An “election 83b” law lets us issue low price stock options to hundreds of people. Could we use this to recruit “advisors” or “editorial team” people, some in other countries? Seems like offering something to a hundred or more people is a valuable asset.


I have assumed that you would believe we are AI based.

Perhaps I do not know enough.

Part of our data will be personality profiles. The strongest type is the Big Five profile. What we seek is the connection between these Five stable traits and reading and viewing preferences. And perhaps this is not easily determined.

Here is where AI will be needed

One hypothesis is that some of our content choices will be strongly influenced by the personality of the creator.

Offering personality tests is tricky at best. They may need to be called quizzes, but are best not disguised much at all. Such information is seen as private by some and elitist or otherwise offensive by others. So getting enough data will be hard. How can we add such sensitive data? What data is most useful for us? Are there single questions that stand out for our purposes. Could a paid group, providing far more such data than most give us key insights?  Should we seek other hidden data, such as SAT scores,  health or financial data?  



  • Introverts seek more quiet than most, and might prefer travel information that leads to nature or bookstores, rather than popular dance clubs.
  • Those with high neuroticism may be more drawn to those who express strong political opinions, rather than a calmer analysis.

I think we can build a friendlier way to sort information for consumer websites. And that recommendation tools use a lot of statistical information sorting. I was trained for a few months, years ago, a weekly meeting with my technical cofounder, and it seemed so then.

I would be delighted to sit down and get feedback.

My strongest goal now is to find advisors.

I do trust the Berkeley world and remain a proud UCB alumni.

Best wishes,
Jim Dyer
founder of LilTimes