

Local news at your local site with Big Trust

An Information Marketplace

(a place where online news is bought & sold, traded, and donated)

We help sites add information –  we build a market for syndication and charity

B2B  (for newspaper website partners)

  • Syndication services (local and global content, curated)
  • Trusted privacy services (we never share user data)
  • Personalization services (adding trust, a strong goal for us)
  • Charity services (free content for small sites, links to free content)

B2C  (for users of our site partners)

  • new content (free and with paywalls)
  • localized content (we sort based on site readers and editors, and user profiles – optional)


sites and users feeling like a community


offer more, get new users, keep older users, find new things to bill for (users may upgrade a paywall site --- a site with limited free usage, or pay the partner site – the site where our tools are offered -- for new premium services, for example comics from many sites).


find a trusted place to see news worldwide (limited by our partners). some users give us word of mouth
• a GLOBAL AND HUMAN RIGHTS BRAND Our nonprofit half helps us reach the third world/ and support other nonprofit friends
• a DEI BRAND (helping nonprofits with DEI goals, helping third world sites)
• an ESG BRAND (good governance – the “G” in “ESG’ -- we hope our good choices will be born in the wishes of our top planners – our board and donors)

serving communities is a strong and early fit

Our business – being half charity and half for-profit – can give our services away in poorer parts of the world, where privacy is a less known service.
We gain by getting more user data, and by becoming truly international. As this grows and becomes more expensive, it adds real benefits.
We will seek more donations.
Given the anger and confusion about the net value of much online media, it may be good branding for them to donate to nonprofits such as ours. If they wish to donate content, this could help them share their donation in branded and transparent ways. (We do curate, and may set a rule that we prefer to request content and do not reply to all content offers.)